Mobile homes provide an affordable housing option in expensive real estate markets like Santa Cruz and the San Francisco Bay Area. On the other hand, with the value of their land increasing, mobile home park owners have been under more pressure to close mobile home parks and sell their lots to developers.
Given the shortage of affordable housing in many of California’s hottest markets, closing mobile home parks has become an increasingly contentious topic. Some cities like San Jose have recently changed legislations around closing mobile home parks to strengthen protections for residents. Additionally, assemblyman Mark Stone, D-Scotts Valley, just introduced Assembly Bill 705 which would ensure that, if a mobile home park is closed or converted to another use, its residents would receive adequate compensation from park owners to relocate to another nearby lot or purchase a new mobile home. The bill would also clarify language allowing local jurisdictions to block park closures if adequate housing isn’t available nearby. You can download a copy of the proposed bill here.
While more stringent laws may help protect vulnerable community members, it may also stifle housing development. Solutions need to take both mobilehome park owners and tenants into consideration.
Wondering what your rights are as a mobile home resident should a park close? Check out this Q&A. Additionally, laws surrounding mobile home park closure can be found in the California Code.
Looking for more articles on purchasing and selling mobile homes in Santa Cruz County? Check out our other blog posts.